First off we have purple headband girl. I fortunately snagged some pictures of her during Diplo's set, in her glorious coral body suit. The dude in the blue tank is Travis, from BLORR. I'm not sure if he was hollerin', but I wouldn't doubt it - she was a fox.

Thank God for camera phones, otherwise I'd have no way to prove that this majestic creature exists.
There were tons of other insane dancers, but unfortunately I have no photos. But here are some descriptions, in the various styles of "Craigslist".
gray & teal striped shirt guy during Diplo - w4m: u were dancing with a group of friends and i think u were on xtacy or something. idk, u were sweating a lot and kept moving like u were pushing a lawn mower or grocery cart. i tried to do it but couldnt cuz i felt like i was starting a chainsaw or something. would luv 2 have u teach me how to "mow the lawn".
blues brother looking guy in white polo and bucket hat- w4m: i think u were watching the national. i think i was watching yr butt. i know that for a fact actually. it was hypnotizing. your butt, not the national. somehow when u danced u made just yr butt move.... but nothing else. u r like 6'5" and had a lumpy belly and a friend that looked like a more straight version of u. u r an enigma to me. neway, the point of this is to ask u how u get just yr butt to move?
This one doesn't have to do with dancing, but
ginger girl that puked on my foot during against me! - w4w: you were walking through the crowd right by me when you abruptly stopped, threw up directly onto the ground and my foot for about three seconds, and kept walking. i cursed you, recovered, then wiped my tainted foot on my jeans. that exchange of stomach acid and rumrunner will never be forgotten. i saw you after their set by the fence, still retching. hope you made it to your tent/trailer/grassy knoll safely.
Honestly, it makes me mad I did not get video of bucket hat guys butt. It took serious talent, and now the memory of it is taunting (and haunting) me.
ahhhhhhhh hahahah I will never forget you butt guy!